This series of 13 articles compares Python libraries Pyomo, PuLP, OR-Tools, Gekko, CVXPY, and SciPy for building a linear programming model.
We minimize the number of racks required to accommodate all pallets in a warehouse, freeing space for other activities and allowing company growth.
To compare optimization modelling in Excel and Python, we replicate a Python model then compare it with an equivalent Excel implementation.
Sometimes we need more power to solve a model. This article describes how to solve a model using the CPLEX solver via the NEOS Server.
This series explores optimization of a "picking warehouse" by improving the warehouse design and efficiency of the picking process.
This article series implements a staff scheduling model in Excel using OpenSolver, then in Python using Pyomo.
We present an example of project crashing using an optimization model to help the project manager decide what to do.
We replicate a wood cutting pattern model from a published academic paper. Surprisingly, we find a better optimal solution.