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  • Optimal but not practical
    Optimal but not practical
    Learn how to address a common modelling issue: The solution is optimal, but not practical
  • Optimization in Excel vs Python
    Optimization in Excel vs Python
    Comparison of Excel and Python optimization models for scheduling flights
  • 10 times faster, running cases in parallel
    10 times faster, running cases in parallel
    Make optimization models faster by running multiple cases in parallel
  • Running up the wrong hill
    Running up the wrong hill
    Explore aspects of solver behaviour when solving non-linear optimization models
  • Stock mix
    Stock mix
    Decide the best stock mix, given customer demand, to maximize profit
  • Networks
    Find the shortest, fastest, or cheapest path through a network
  • Python optimization Rosetta Stone
    Python optimization Rosetta Stone
    Implement a linear programming model in Pyomo, PuLP, OR Tools, Gekko, CVXPY, and SciPy
  • Price breaks in a linear programming model
    Price breaks in a linear programming model
    Represent price breaks in a linear programming model
  • Logistics
    Determine the optimal quantity and timing of orders, including shipping and storage
  • Vaccination plan for Hong Kong
    Vaccination plan for Hong Kong
    Model the supply of, and demand for, vaccine doses as a transportation problem
10 times faster, running cases in parallel