Consulting service
Need assistance with your models? Whether you require expert advice on an existing model or want us to build a custom model for you, then we are here to help. Contact us with a brief description of your needs, and we'll get started.
Choice of tools
There are many optimization tools available. The most commonly used are Excel Solver/OpenSolver and packages for the Python programming language.

Excel is the most widely-used modelling tool – by a large margin. The Solver add-in is part of Excel, and the OpenSolver alternative is available for free from Many people are familiar with using Excel for analysis. By using Excel for your modelling, you provide an environment that the users are comfortable with while still having access to sophisticated optimization tools.

A programming language, like Python, provides greater flexibility and scalability compared with a spreadsheet-based approach. But programming languages generally have a high barrier to entry, with a steep learning curve. There are excellent free optimiztion libraries available, such as Pyomo and OR-Tools. The libraries can use a range of solvers, like the free HiGHS solver and commercial solvers like Gurobi and CPLEX.
As we discuss in our blog article Optimization in Excel vs Python, there are advantages and disadvantages to all tools. The choice of optimization tool depends on the circumstances, including the model's features and the modellers' and users' familiarity with the tools. It is also a matter of personal preference.
We can help you make an informed choice about the right tool for your situation.
Indicative pricing
The price for modifying an existing model, or building a new model, depends on the complexity and time required to complete the project. The following is an indication of typical prices. We accept payment via PayPal.