Solver Max logo
  • Production planning
    Production planning
    Select machines or production processes to maximize efficiency or minimize cost
  • Stock mix
    Stock mix
    Decide the best stock mix, given customer demand, to maximize profit
  • Scheduling
    Schedule your resources to minimize time or maximize benefit
  • Create groups
    Create groups
    Assign people to groups to equalize distribution, maximize satisfaction, or minimize conflicts
  • Packing problems
    Packing problems
    Assign items to containers, minimizing the number of containers or maximizing value
  • Warehouse optimization
    Warehouse optimization
    Explore "picking warehouse" optimization to improve efficency by a factor of three
  • Capital investment
    Capital investment
    Choose the best capital investment options, given your budget and requirements
  • Networks
    Find the shortest, fastest, or cheapest path through a network
  • Running up the wrong hill
    Running up the wrong hill
    Explore aspects of solver behaviour when solving non-linear optimization models
  • Puzzles
    Solve puzzles like Sudoku, magic squares, and algebra word puzzles