Formulating logic conditions in linear programs can be difficult. This two-part article series explains how, using easy to follow steps.
Allocating people to teams is a task common in both sport and business. We allocate 32 people to 4 teams that are as balanced as possible.
This series explores optimization of a "picking warehouse" by improving the warehouse design and efficiency of the picking process.
Why does my model find different solutions? Some solutions are better than others – how can that be true? How do I find the overall best solution?
We explore methods to decide the best order for positioning devices in a rack: enumeration, heuristics, constraint programming, and linear programming.
How many other optimal solutions exist? How do I find those solutions. This article explains how to use the CPLEX solution pool.
Crossword puzzles are a popular pastime. We design and build Mixed Integer Linear Programming models to compile crossword puzzles.
We explore two aspects of refactoring an existing optimization model: Modularization and adding model variations.