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  • Sports
    Improve your fantasy sports team's performance by building an optimal line-up
  • Production planning
    Production planning
    Select machines or production processes to maximize efficiency or minimize cost
  • Green manufacturing via cutting patterns
    Green manufacturing via cutting patterns
    An application of the cutting-stock problem in green manufacturing
  • Well, that escalated quickly
    Well, that escalated quickly
    Five methods for deciding the best order for positioning devices in a rack
  • Vaccination plan for Hong Kong
    Vaccination plan for Hong Kong
    Model the supply of, and demand for, vaccine doses as a transportation problem
  • Capital investment
    Capital investment
    Choose the best capital investment options, given your budget and requirements
  • Logic conditions as constraints
    Logic conditions as constraints
    Convert logical implications into an equivalent set of optimization constraints
  • Create groups
    Create groups
    Assign people to groups to equalize distribution, maximize satisfaction, or minimize conflicts
  • Optimal but not practical
    Optimal but not practical
    Learn how to address a common modelling issue: The solution is optimal, but not practical
  • Julia/JuMP vs Python/Pyomo
    Julia/JuMP vs Python/Pyomo
    Linear programming in Julia/JuMP compared with Python/Pyomo