Solver Max logo
  • Packing problems
    Packing problems
    Assign items to containers, minimizing the number of containers or maximizing value
  • Optimal but not practical
    Optimal but not practical
    Learn how to address a common modelling issue: The solution is optimal, but not practical
  • Warehouse space for free
    Warehouse space for free
    Improve the efficiency of a pallet warehouse via better shelf design
  • Schedule staff with enumerated shifts
    Schedule staff with enumerated shifts
    Create an optimal staff schedule using either Excel/OpenSolver or Pyomo/CBC
  • Sports
    Improve your fantasy sports team's performance by building an optimal line-up
  • Julia/JuMP vs Python/Pyomo
    Julia/JuMP vs Python/Pyomo
    Linear programming in Julia/JuMP compared with Python/Pyomo
  • Python optimization Rosetta Stone
    Python optimization Rosetta Stone
    Implement a linear programming model in Pyomo, PuLP, OR Tools, Gekko, CVXPY, and SciPy
  • Price breaks in a linear programming model
    Price breaks in a linear programming model
    Represent price breaks in a linear programming model
  • Stock mix
    Stock mix
    Decide the best stock mix, given customer demand, to maximize profit
  • Project crashing: Time-cost trade-off
    Project crashing: Time-cost trade-off
    Use a project crashing optimization model to help the project manager decide what to do
Warehouse optimization: Model design